Universe is so dynamic and versatile that sometimes a whole life is not enough to perceive it. we are just a freckle of dust in this whole dynamism .Our dreams, our perceptions and jurisdictions are limited to a small patch of soil which gets wet and dry with our emotions from time to time. When winds of time and circumstances blow, we get carried away from one patch to another not knowing what to do.But ultimately when we touch the next unknown patch of our life, we start binding ourselves to that patch with emotions, in spite of knowing that the emotions are not enough to bind us to that patch again.That is the time our thought process steps in and we logically convince ourselves that this is the best way to deal with the present situation and as and when the next situation arises, it will be dealt with. And it goes on.... Scientifically and physiologically emotions and logic arise from two different parts of the brain.It is an established fact that every person has a di...