It's said that sleep is the most essential part of being healthy and alive. Seriously! How! For me, it's a state where you are half dead and during most part of sleep you don't know what's happening around in terms of physical safety, and one doesn't know if one will ever get up alive! Hey! aim is not to scare you and cause Insomnia in you, but if you think closely, that's what happens. When early man must have experienced this dangerous situation, he would've searched for safe shelters where he could satisfy this biological need and wake up alive. In Hinduism, 'Ratri Devi' or 'Goddess of Night' has a prominent place in shlokas and shrutis, where she is worshipped for providing sound sleep, praised as a protector and one's physical and spiritual safety during sleep is attributed to her. This was such a huge psychological respite which helped in initiation of sound sleep, and acted as an armament against fear of safety during...