“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”
― Herophilus
Holistic health is achieved when there is a fine balance between mind and body. But, we, as humans, identify with ourselves more as a physical self rather than the whole entity. We are so used to being secure physically, financially, and socially, that our maximum time and energies are spent in fulfilling our primary needs like acquiring food, quenching thirst, ensuring our safety and constantly fighting for survival against forces which are either natural or are part of our environment.
In this struggle for existence, we tend to forget that the physical self is an extension of our mind and soul. It's the brain only which governs the body, creates need for food, water, air, makes us aware of the sensory stimuli, interprets it and directs it into various actions and reaction. Our body in a way, exists through brain.
That's why during physical illness we have temporary slowing of cognition and sensory inputs, and during Mental conditions, physical, physiological as well as cognitive deficits appear.
In a way, it's a clear signal for us that the brain and body should be given equal attention. But do we do that?
When we are physically ill, we tell the whole world about it and get treatment as early as possible!
But what happens to us when we have some stress, anxiety or depression? We ignore and undermine the symptoms, deny their existence and hide them.
Why there is so much shame and stigma attached to seeking help? Why this step motherly treatment to the organ which is the seat of emotions, makes us feel joy, happiness, sadness, love, kindness and altruism?
These emotions guide our behaviour and foster our relationships. The brain is also a center of learning, awareness, curiosity, intellect, knowledge, wisdom, thoughts and intellect which has brought so much of development, progress, innovations and discoveries to this world.
These emotions guide our behaviour and foster our relationships. The brain is also a center of learning, awareness, curiosity, intellect, knowledge, wisdom, thoughts and intellect which has brought so much of development, progress, innovations and discoveries to this world.
Throughout our lives the brain sails us through thick and thin of our existential crisis, but if the same organ needs help, what do we do? We ignore, deny and feel ashamed.
Most of the conditions associated with brain are treatable and the person can lead a normal life. But, it's very important to seek help as early as possible so that there is early recovery and minimum damage to our body and brain. Aim is to achieve comprehensive state of health which involves body as well as mind.
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